Terms of use

Terms of use

By using the website www.td-sitotisak.hr (owned by Obrt Td), you enter into a legal contract with the company Obrt Td sitotisak tampontisak, under which you have certain rights and obligations. By accessing, using, searching, reviewing, or any other similar act, you unambiguously confirm that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these rights and that you will comply with the terms of this Agreement (hereinafter: the Agreement) and these Terms of Use (hereinafter “Terms”), as well as all legal norms and related legal and regulatory provisions resulting from this Agreement and these Terms, pursuant to the applicable laws of the Republic of Croatia. If you disagree with any part of this site, or any of the terms of this Agreement and Terms, please do not use the website www.td-sitotisak.hr (“website”) and any other material arising out of Use of web pages (guides, analyzes, articles, texts, etc.). Crafts Td Tattoo Press reserves the right to change the content of these Terms at any time and to terminate access to this Website without prior notice.

On this website, it is also important to pay attention to the copyright and copyright remarks that are governed by the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Official Gazette 167/03 and 79/07).

All materials (texts, photographs, drawings, images, video and audio materials), trademarks and logos and all other content on the web site are protected by copyright and related intellectual property rights under the Copyright and Related Rights Act (NN 167 / 03 and 79/07). All these contents are for informational purposes only and their use covers only personal non-commercial purposes, unless otherwise indicated. Users of this Website are not allowed to reproduce, copy, distribute, modify, translate, publish, or revise the contents of this site without the written permission of Obrt Td Screen Printing Tampon.

Rights for using guides and articles

Each guide and article downloaded from the site (whether it is downloaded by leaving an e-mail address or by direct downloading or copying from a web site) is considered a trademark of Obrt Td Screenprint TampaTouch and is protected as such by the Copyright and Related Rights Act (OG 167/03 and 79/07). Use and printing of these content is permitted solely for the purpose of informing and personal, non-commercial purposes of the user. Users are not permitted to reproduce, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, post or revise the content of the guides and articles without the written permission of Obrt Td Screen Printing Tampon. Users are not permitted to use any form of public use of copyright (the public use of the work is “any use of a publicly accessible piece of work or use in a space accessible to members of the public as well as to allow members of the public access to the work of art at the time and place which they themselves choose (via the Internet) “- the State Intellectual Property Office, www.dziv.hr. If you want to use guides and articles from the web site for purposes not covered by the Copyright and Related Rights Act, contact Obrt Td Screenprint Tampon Press on e- mail info@td-sitotisak.hr and explain in detail the need for this type of use.

Rights of Use of “Website Analysis”

The “Website Analysis” (hereafter: Analysis) is a trademark of Obrt Td, a screenplay for tampontosis, and is therefore a category of copyrighted work created under the Copyright and Related Rights Act (NN 167/03 and 79/07 ). Also, by downloading this Analysis you as a Beneficiary (hereinafter referred to as the Buyer) enter into an additional contract with the Crafts Td Screen Printing Tampontosis (a contract that is a separate legal act but is covered by the original Terms and Conditions of Use of this Website mentioned above and is subject to its provisions, as well as the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, hereinafter referred to as the Sub-Clause), and you agree to the following terms of use:

The analysis is provided solely to the Client by e-mail in digital format, which is her sole authorized purpose. All other activities will be considered for unauthorized purposes, and some of them include:

Mass-reproduction of any kind without the written consent of Obrt Td Screen Printing Tampontisak.

Mass reproduction of any kind without the written consent of Obrt Td screen printing tampon.

Distribution of any kind without the written consent of the Company Obrt Td screen printing tampontisak (The analysis is not allowed to be disclosed to third parties without our consent, the right of review is only available to the Client).

Use for presentations of any kind without the written consent of Obrt Td Screen Printing Tampontisak.

Quotation of any Part of the Analysis without the written consent of Obrt Td Screen Printing Tampon.

Taking any part of the textual content of the Analysis, its modification and further playback.

In the absence of any violation of any copyright, sub-license, and these terms of use, we suggest that you do not pass the analysis to third parties (as the provisions of this Subcontractor are considered to be unauthorized) as it is in the form in which it is exclusively intended for the Client. This analysis also has its own unique digital print, which can be found even after its modification, and its original offender is legally pursued to the highest legal level possible under the legal framework of the Republic of Croatia.

Company Obrt Td sitotisak tampontisak reserves the right to reject the request for analysis without explanation and prior notice. For analysis we need a few hours or more, so we do not take businesses and individuals who send us for analysis of hobby-portals, non-profit websites (other than humanitarian organizations), blogs located on blogs (like Blog.hr) and similar Web pages. Also, as a reason for website analysis, we will not recognize your “curiosity”.

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