Screen printing &
Pad printing

From idea to finished product to record
short time and prints to your liking.

Pad printing

From the idea to the finished product in record time and on the prints of your choice.

with print

Huge choice of men's, women's, children's and unisex t-shirts that you can customize with your style.

with print

Huge choice of men's, women's, children's and unisex t-shirts that you can customize with your style.

Screen Printing

The screen printing technique is used to print materials of flat and sometimes rounded surfaces.

Sports equipment

Printing on various sports items, T-shirts, jerseys and similar items.

Advertising materials

Printing on various advertising items, T-shirts, lighters, pens and similar items.

Pad printing

Pad printing is an excellent solution for products without a flat printing surface

Totally awesome screen printing

Nowadays we are offering you different services, theoretically there is nothing that cannot be done, the deadlines have gone shorter, quality is inspected through a magnifying glass, and circulation? No one asks about the circulation anymore, you can count it on your fingers.

The services we offer will encompass most of your needs, it is up to you to assure yourself of the quality and time of production.

Totalno super print

Danas Vam nudimo drugačije usluge, teoretski nema više neizvedivog, rokovi su se skratili, kvaliteta se gleda pod povećalom, a naklada? Za nakladu se više ni ne pita, jednostavno se broji na prste…

Usluge koje nudimo obuhvatit će većinu Vaših potreba, na Vama je da se uvjerite u kvalitetu i rok izrade.
The screen printing technique is used to print materials of flat and sometimes rounded surfaces.
Printing on various advertising items, T-shirts, lighters, pens and similar items.
Printing on various sports items, T-shirts, jerseys and similar items.
Pad printing is an excellent solution for products without a flat printing surface

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